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Is 100% Renewable Energy Possible for Turkey? - Kaan Demirci

With the Paris agreement signed in 2015 and has entered the force on 5th November 2016, a significant amount of countries have fastened their renewable energy projects. So renewable and green energy process has been privileged on energy politics. As a pioneer, Scotland is almost ready to generate its energy from renewable sources with 100%. 76% of Scotland’sScotland’s electricity has been provided by green energy so far. Because Scotland has almost stopped using fossil fuels, unlike many countries and stopped using coal in 2016, 100% renewable energy policy is nearly done. In Norway, energy need is mostly supplied by hydropower since the end of the 1800s. Every year, Norway has been enhancing its hydropower, wind power, and solar energy facilities. Thus, at the end of 2020, Norway will have the largest wind power facility, which nearly doubles Norway’sNorway’s installed capacity. Recent studies show that 100% of green energy is possible even for the US.

Turkey counterbalances the highest average energy demand growth among OECD countries. In the last 15 years, Turkey was able to produce its 25% of energy need. Because of that, Turkey has been importing 98% of natural gas, 92% of oil, and 50% of coal need. It is expected for Turkey that in a decade, Turkey’sTurkey’s energy requires will be doubled. For both green energy policy and external independence, Turkey can easily gravitate toward renewable energy sources. Thanks to its geographic location, Turkey can use several renewable energy sources highly effective. According to experts, Turkey is considered to have the strictest local content requirements for renewables of any country in the world.

Turkey has an overall natural hydropower potential of 1.1% of the world and 14% of Europe’sEurope’s potential. Even though 65-70% of its potential is technically possible, hydropower is a great opportunity for Turkey’sTurkey’s energy needs. Also, Turkey can use solar energy to satisfy its demand since the potential of solar energy in Turkey is determined as 200% of electricity demand in Turkey. Moreover, again its geographic location, Turkey, is high on different pressure systems. With the effect of these winds, Turkey can quickly produce wind energy by building wind turbines across the country. With the potential of wind energy, Turkey can supply its energy needs by 20 to 40%. Although 43% of installed wind turbines are in the Aegean Region, a high percentage of Turkey has the potential to produce a high amount of wind energy. Apart from these sources, as a return of location, Turkey has a tremendous geothermal energy potential, which mostly located at Aegean and Central Anatolian Region with the amount of 4,5 GW. Besides, It is estimated that the biomass potential in Turkey is about 8,6 million tonnes of equivalent petrol (MTEP), and biogas quantities that can be produced from biomass are 1,5-2 MTEP.

According to TEİAŞ, Turkey produces 28% of its electricity demand from renewable sources. So far, steps have been sufficient to achieve energy targets in 2023, which was targeted at 30% of total demand. Turkey had 42 GW of installed renewable power, and this is expected to increase by 50% in 2019-2024. With this capacity, Turkey would become 11th of the highest renewable-based capacity in the world. However, it is still below the growing energy demand of Turkey. As it is observable, 100% renewable energy is not a figment, especially for Turkey having great potential with various options. Turkey must give more weight to generate and usage of renewable energy and invest in these facilities. By using its potential, Turkey can pursue towards Paris Agreement, protect the nature of the world, increase its economic growth, and decrease its extreme external dependence related to energy.

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